Step up 2032

The primary objective of OTU is to identify, recruit and develop a ‘core’ group of pacific athletes, coaches & officials who demonstrate the absolute determination, ability & potential to medal at the Brisbane 2032 Olympic & Paralympic Games
Step Up 2032 – Brisbane
Podium Finish – Six (6) Core Functions
OTU Managed & Driven
Program Athlete Focused & Centered Pathways
Committed Expert Support
Develop a Winning Culture & Podium Mindset
MNA Capacity Building for Legacy
Stakeholder & Partnership Engagement
Through this OTU managed and driven program, we are looking to recruit and engage with the highest level of experts to identify potential athletes regardless of their background or origin who can succeed and STEP-UP to the podium in 2032. OTU will initially identify athletes via talent ID visits in country, we will invite and take direct applications (via MNA coaches) from boys and girls aged from 11 years old who
• show tactical and technical proficiency
• display the physical attributes considered necessary
• can commit to a long-term strategy and journey
• have that X-factor that separates them from the rest

Core Function #1 = OTU Managed & Driven Program

Program Managed and Driven by Oceania Taekwondo Union (OTU) budget allocations via partners / stakeholders Provide ‘Experts’ in Pathways program management, coaching, education, sports science / medicine, mentoring to develop and oversee the ‘core’ athlete’s development & welfare Coordinate all MNAs for inclusion including talent ID, travel, accommodation, and the care of athletes and support personnel

For the next 9 years the resourcing and financial allocation for this Oceania development program must be centrally managed to ensure transparency, accountability and its overall success

Core Function #2 = Athlete Focused & Centered Pathway

In country visits to all schools & clubs targeting potential cadet and junior aged athletes OTU initiated campaign to promote Taekwondo via MNA communities Direct nominations via parents, coaches & MNAs for cadet & junior aged athletes
Camps Educated

Identified athletes to gain direct invitation to camps

Core Function #3 = Committed Expert Support

OTU Officials – Coaches / Trainers
Welfare Officers – Education Managers
Sports Science / Medicine Officers
MNA Sports Development Officers – others

Core Function #4 = Develop A Winning Culture & Podium Mindset

Competition Pathways
Targeted Events (Pathways from grassroots to Podium)
local, regional, national, international depending on athlete progression
targeting cadets – juniors – others as identified
Performance Focused Reviews
Specialised Technical coaches
Sports science & sports medicine

Core Function #5 = MNA Capacity Building for Legacy

Facilitate and Educate on all aspects of Good Governance & Structures
Develop National Taekwondo Instructor Programs, Club & School based models
Implement National Training and Development Programs from grassroots to high performance to train and develop athletes, coaches & officials
Establish National calendars from club, provincial to National Games
Install community expectations (Anti-bulling, eradicate domestic violence, enable gender equality)

Core Function #6 = Stakeholder & Partnership Engagement

Oceania Taekwondo Union Members National Associations (MNAs)
Oceania National Olympic Committee (ONOC) – Oceania Paralympic Committee (OPC)
International Olympic Committee (IOC) – International Paralympic Committee (IPC) – World Taekwondo (WT)
Pacific Games Council (PGC) – Organisations of Sports Federations Oceania (OSFO) – National Sports Councils (NSC) – National Institutes of Sport (NIS) – Daedo

  1. World Taekwondo Guidelines to the OTU for the use of Development Funding (DF) in 2025
  1. 1 The DF shall be used to operate the administration of OTU and manage OTU’s projects and support the MNAs in Oceania including:
A. Manage the administration of OTU
B.  Organize OTU-promoted events;
C.  Support organization of WT-recognized or OTU-recognised events
D.  Support participation of MNAs in official competitions and meetings organized by WT or OTU;
E.  Support athletes’ training;
F.  Support refugee athletes and the underprivileged;
G.  Support Para Taekwondo Movements;
H.  Initiate or support the development of Para-Taekwondo, Women Taekwondo, and Taekwondo for the underprivileged;
I.  Increase the number of GMS registrations; and
J. Encourage MNAs to participate in WT’s MNA Survey
  1. In 2025 OTU applied WT Development Funding for projects that encompass the guidelines above covering the Education, Development, Governance all of which include Para and focus on the overall 2032 objective.

Education/Development (includes Para)

OTUs proven education & development programs for athletes, coaches, referees & officials in all disciplines of Kyorugi & Poomsae via:

  • implement our strategic plan which focuses on developing cadet and junior athletes in readiness for the 2032 Olympic / Paralympic Games
  • provide support in the talent identification of athletes then the development of athletes and coaches 
  • conduct in-country seminars, educational / professional development pathways for coaches and referees within the Oceania region
  • via village / community involvement assist in the introduction of Taekwondo into the schools systems
  • identify athletes to access international competitions and training camps which are targeted, well planned also targeting 2032.
  • in support of education (as above) of coaches to ensure modern up-to-date training programs & technical advice is understood
  • providing the frameworks to conduct local, international e.g. OTU & WT Coach Accreditation Courses either online or in country 
  • support regional coaches and referees achieve WT level 1 & 2 accreditation and follow up with these referees to be accredited as WT International Referees
  • assist in the preparation of provincial and / or national events for the smaller MNAs and provide mentorship for competition managers, coaches & referee
  • assist and identify coaches and referees to develop via face-to-face seminars which enhance the MNAs capacity and maximum participation of all MNAs

Governance / Events (includes Para)

OTU is committed to provide support to its MNAs to develop and implement best practice Governance systems and structures. Considering the results of the latest World Taekwondo MNA survey, OTU encourages MNAs to reach out to both the OTU and their NOCs to assist and maximize their MNA ranking by addressing the core assessment dimensions by WT for their MNA ranking.

  • attend in person to advise, assist, mentor and support in the establishment of an MNA
  • drafting of Constitution, advice on financial management and ensure that new MNA understand their responsibilities, conflict of interest and transparency
  • coordinate effective communications between MNAs and NOC and assist in meditation and resolution activities as required

OTU encourages all MNAs to apply via WTs 2025 World Taekwondo Development Program, specifically regarding the application deadlines for participation support for the Cadet and World Championships.

Previously, the application deadlines were set for one (1) month prior to each event: April 10 for the Cadet Championships and September 24 for the World Championships. However, to streamline the logistical planning and visa process, the revised deadline for both events has been unified to 31 March 2025.

Considering this change, please ensure that your application for participation support is submitted to WT Development no later than 31 March 2025.

OTU is committed to provide support to its MNAs to develop and implement best practice Governance systems and structures. Considering the results of the latest World Taekwondo MNA survey, OTU encourages MNAs to reach out to both the OTU and their NOCs to assist and maximize their MNA ranking by addressing the core assessment dimensions by WT for their MNA ranking.

  1. OTU also encourages developing MNAs to quickly identify potential cadet athletes (and inform OTU the details of these athletes ASAP) and discuss with us the application process to have potential cadets (if eligible) attend the World Cadet Championships.

  2. OTU also encourages developing MNAs to identify potential athletes (and inform OTU the details of these athletes ASAP) and discuss with us the application process to have potential cadets & juniors (if eligible) attend the 2025 Presidents Cup (Oceania), Australian Open (Gold Coast) in August and also the Oceania Championships & Tahiti Open (Tahiti) in September ASAP… including Para athletes!
All correspondence to


As part of Oceania Taekwondo Unions (OTU) STEP-UP 2032 Brisbane campaign MNAs may apply for assistance using ONLY ONE OF THE FORMS below noting that it MUST be submitted to and received by OTU three (3) months before the date assistance is required!

Application Form 1

If you are a representative from one of the below countries, Please use the below button to access the form
  • Australia (AUS)
  • Fiji (FIJ)
  • French Polynesia (FPO)
  • Guam (GUM)
  • Kiribati (KIR)
  • Marshall Islands (MHL)
  • New Caledonia (NCL)
  • New Zealand ( NZL)
  • Papua New Guinea (PNG)
  • Tonga (TGA)
  • Vanuatu (VAN)

Application Form 2

If you are a representative from one of the below countries, Please use the below button to access the form
  • American Samoa (ASA)
  • Cook Islands (COK)
  • Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
  • Nauru (NRU)
  • Palau (PLW)
  • Tuvalu (TUV)

Enquiry Form

If you are a representative from one of the below countries, Please use the below button to access the form
  • Niue
  • Norfolk Island
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Pitcairn Islands
  • Tokedlau
  • Wallis and Futuna